Follow this route to discover the Monastery and Site of El Escorial, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
On 2 November 1984 UNESCO included the Monastery and Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial on the UNESCO World Heritage List based on the following criteria:
- Represent a masterpiece of human creative genius (criterion I)
- Exert considerable influence on the subsequent development of Spanish architecture (criterion II)
- Be associated with events of outstanding universal significance. (criterion VI).
In 2012 UNESCO established the limit of the declaration of the Monastery and Site of El Escorial, including within:
- Real Monasterio
- Jardines históricos del Real Monasterio
- Primera y Segunda Casa de Oficios
- Casa de la Compaña
- Casa del Secretario de Estado
- Casa de los Infantes y de la Reina
- Casa del Príncipe Don Carlos, o de abajo (Casa, jardines y parque)
- Casa del Infante Don Gabriel, o de arriba (Casa y jardines)
In 2014 UNESCO also recognised its Outstanding Universal Value.