The ensemble known as Cocheras del Rey (King’s Coach House) was originally formed by two different buildings. In one was the Coach House of the Marquis of Valdecarzana and in the other the Casa y Cuadras (House and Stables) of Juan Esteban, designed by this architect between 1767 and 1771.
The first of them and another building that stood beside it were designed to be used by the courtier hierarchy during the Royal Visits. In the mid 19th century, it was transformed into a small seasonal palace, conserving part of the walls and adding new rooms. Later it became an apartment house and then was joined to the House and Stables of Juan Esteban.
From 1987, Messrs. Pedro and José Luis Martín Gómez undertook the restoration of the whole, made up of the two buildings around a patio with a garden, and gave it restaurants and a bookshop. It can be considered as one of the ideal meeting points in the area.
The Exhibition Rooms contain diverse objects: carriages, paintings, engravings, clothing, and so on, all of this being related to the sole means of transportation in the era of Carlos III and up to the second half of the 19th century, which were saddle horses and draught horses.